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PKU Campus

Peking University Alumni Association of Southern California (PUAASC) was founded in Los Angeles, California in 1985. Currently it has about 1300 registered members. The primary objectives of PUAASC are:

1. To promote the welfare of Peking University (PKU) by facilitating academic, cultural, business and educational exchange and cooperation with the research, educational, cultural, business and other institutions in Southern California.

2. To strengthen connections among Peking University alumni residing in Southern California; and to provide financial and other necessary support to PUAASC members, their families and friends who suffer from unexpected causalities or otherwise need emergent assistance.

3. To establish and maintain cooperative relationships with Chinese communities, Asian communities, and all other ethnic communities in Southern California; and to encourage our alumni to participate in community activities in order to promote the welfare of the entire society.

北京大学南加州校友会成立于1985年,第一任会长是曾获得美国航空总局(NASA)发给工程师的最高奖励技术发明奖(Technical Innovation Award) 的殷大年先生(1948年北京大学工学院机械工程学系毕业)。在过去的31年中,校友会在沟通北大和海外校友以及中美之间学术和民间交流方面发挥了重要作 用,在帮助 海外华侨、学生、学者并促使北大校友溶入西方社会方面做出了不懈的努力。校友会的基本宗旨是: 1. 促进北京大学与美国南加州地区科研、教育、文化等院校、团体 在学术、文化和教育方面的交流与合作,为北京大学提供奖学金、学术发展和设施改善等方面所需要的资金支持,并加强南加州的北京大学校友和北京大学之间的联 系。 2. 为校友提供交往和互相交流的机会,针对校友个人事业的发展和生活的需求提供帮助。 3. 组织、参与其他相关的慈善性、公共性的活动。