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2013松竹梅野餐会(11月9日 周六)免费停车及安全注意事项
posted on Nov 4 2013

Dear all,

2013 Song Zhu Mei picnic will be held on Saturday, Nov. 9. We would like to have your attention on the following:

1) The $6 entrance fee per vehicle can actually be 'waived' if you enter the park from Santa Anita Ave. There is a fee booth on the other entrance though.

2) As you may have noticed, there are lakes around the event area. For parents who have young kids, please always put an eye on your kids to prevent potential danger.

Please act now and enjoy the discounted price.

注册网站: http://pku.org/rsvp/picnic

网上预订折扣价: $12美元; 现场注册:$15



家庭计划(2成人+2儿童):网上注册$30; 现场$40


时间:2013年11月9日,10:30am – 4:30 pm

地点:Whittier Narrows Recreation Area, Shelter 8

地址:750 S. Santa Anita Avenue, South El Monte, CA 91733


Additional information:



刘玉发(Bruce Liu) bruce@acbscitech.com

胡仁杰(Renjie Hu) Renjie.Hu@cdph.ca.gov